Here the authors are interested in the zero set of Sobolev functions and functions of bounded variation with negative po......
The integrability character of nonlinear equations of motion of two-dimensional gravity with dynamical torsion and boson......
【正】 一般不定积分教材中,有理函数的积分法占据了相当重要的地位,其出发点为: 1)有理函数是一类十分重要的初等函数。 2)一般认......
<正> From the k symmetric action of IIB string in AdS_2×S~2 background given by Zhou,we derive theequations of moti......
在我们考虑在 γ-deformed 广告<SUB>3</SUB>× S <SUP>3</SUP>宣传的古典绳的这篇论文,背景在广告<SUB>3</SUB>部门上由 ......
integrability 和 AdS3 上的 bosonic 绳的 TST 转变...