The explosive seismic sounding profile across the transition zone from the west Kunlun Mts. to the Tarim Basin revealed ......
Crust-mantle transitional zone of Tianshan orogenic beltand Junggar Basin and its geodynamic implica
The traveling time of the reflection waves of each shot point from the crust-mantle tran-sitional zone has been obtained......
A comprehensive study on geothermal history of the Turpan-HamiBasin by vitrinite reflectance, fluid inclusion geothermom......
Abstract In the Ordovician, a carbonate platform system grading from the platformal interioreastwards to basin was devel......
The geographical location of Qaidam Basin corresponds toN36°05′-38°10′ and E90°10′-98°05′. The t......
Based on the observed data, the average value of surface heatflow in the Yinggehai Basin is calculated and it turns out ......
During the late Miocene(~5.5 Ma), a large-scale submarine slide with an area of approximately 18000 km~2 and a maximum t......
浙江省棉花产区主要分布于杭州湾两岸的滨海平原和金衢丘陵盆地。近年来 ,随着种植结构的调整 ,棉花主产区更趋集中于海涂围垦地 ,......
1 早石炭世早期古地理rn 早华力西期地壳运动曾一度使伊犁盆地的大部分地区处于陆地状态,准噶尔-天山古陆与昆仑-塔南古陆联成一体,......
以便更好理解 Qaidam 盆的构造进化。作者从 Hongsanhan 节在 7 个地点的 39 件样品上执行了 paleomagnetic 研究,西北 Qaidam 盆。......
例1 48岁.因多发性子宫肌瘤伴慢性盆腔炎症剖腹探查术,术中见子宫与周围组织广泛粘连,宫颈有一约4cm×4cm大的肌瘤,子宫如4+个......
There is a potential to certain extend for groundwater development in the piedmont plain in south edge of Tarim Basin. I......
Sequence-Stratigraphic Framework from the Carboniferous to the Permian Chuanshanian Epoch in Dianqia
The Carboniferous can be divided into four series in the Dianqiangui basin and its adjacent areas, Southwest China: the ......
Features of Sandy Debris Flows of the Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin and Its Oil and Gas Expl
Sandy debris flow is a new genetic type of sand bodies,which has gained much attention in recent years and its correspon......
新地震数据的学习在架并且在 Qiongdongnan 盆(QDNB ) 的深渊的设定上以内部建筑学和分发允许沉积严肃流动的鉴定。六种严肃流动类......
这个工作试图重建沙岩的各种各样的类型的埋葬历史在 Changling 差错消沉的 Yaoyingtai 区域由井 YS201 渗透了,南部的 Songliao 盆......
在北 Ordos 盆的早白垩纪 Zhidan 组,内部蒙古,产出很多 tetrapods,包括的鳖, choristoderes, crocodyliforms, psittacosaurs, stegosaur......
掸人 2 成员,掸人 1 成员并且他中间迟了的二叠的山西和更低的 Xiashihezi 形成的 8 成员在东南的 Ordos 盆,一起包括三角形的存款的......
Leaf Cuticle Microstructure ofMachilus maomingensis sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from the Eocene of the Maom
Machilus maomingensis Jin et 唐, sp。nov。从始新世 Maoming 盆的 Youganwo 形成,华南,从叶建筑学和最优地保存的表皮的观点详细被......
从 Shuangliao 差错消沉在二个核心的早白垩纪阶层发现的花粉和孢子系统地被学习,并且二个 palynological 集合被认出了。我从 Ying......
In order to realize sustainable development of the arid area of Northwest China, rational water resources exploitation a......
Environmental and ecological water requirement of river system: a case study of Haihe-Luanhe river s
In order to reduce the environmental and ecological problems induced by water resources development and utilization, thi......
构造破裂上的学习基于构造压力领域的倒置是一个有效方法。在这研究,一个地质的模型从 Hudi 煤矿基于地质的数据被安装, Qinshui 盆,......
板构造活动在 Kadiri 片岩带在 petrotectonic 协会的发展起了一个关键作用。计算暗岩,安山岩, dacite 和流纹岩(BADR ) 的碱的协会......
Strategies for Enhancing the Efficiency of Bioretention Swales and Basins for Urban Stormwater Manag
Among various schemes to reuse and recycle the limited urban fresh water resources, sustainable urban stormwater managem......
天然气产生过程被加热 Yacheng 形成的来源岩石模仿,包括有在 Qiongdongnan 盆的类型 II2-III 的 kerogens 的向陆近海的 mudstone ......
The Coarse-Grained Lacustrine Slope Apron Deposits in the Moliqing Area,Yitong Basin,Northeast China
重叠重力累积身体在东北中国的 Moliqing 差错消沉在 Shuangyang 形成的西北的陡峭的斜坡上被形成。这研究详细基于核心节的超过 6......
Characteristics and Origin of Tight Oil Accumulations in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation of th
在 Ordos 盆的上面的三叠纪的油累积是在中国的最成功的紧密的油戏,与不到 10% 的平均的孔价值和在 1.0 mD 下面的渗透价值。这研究......