Ecological distribution of harmful epiphytic Oscillatoriales in Alexandria coast, Egypt, with specia
Destination branding is a process of branding a place,a product,or a city,to attract investment,people,and capital.The g......
The regeneration of pore water (PW) nutrients was investigated and the contribution of benthic nutrient fluxes to the ov......
This paper aims to search if there was any attempt in the Early Christian Literature to apply a scientific or a regulate......
Solid waste represents a key issue that threatens environmental quality in Egyptian urban areas. One of the most viable ......
Spatial Modeling of Residential Crowding in Alexandria Governorate, Egypt: A Geographically Weighted
Despite growing research for residential crowding effects on housing market and public health perspectives, relatively l......
Sediment samples were collected from 49 sampling stations along the semi-closed areas of Alexandria coasts, Egypt. Total......
Sediment samples were collected from 49 sampling stations along the semi-closed areas of Alexandria coasts, Egypt. Total......
The distributions of 15 out of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in surface and bottom water of......
Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Chlorinated Pesticides in Sediments along the Semi-Closed Areas of Ale
The residues of 19 EPA-organochlorine pollutants were analyzed in sediments collected from 49 different locations along ......
Impacts of Climate Change on Seasonal Residential Electricity Consumption by 2050 and Potential Adap
Climate change and associated more frequent, hot or cold, extreme/weather events, as well as increasing temperature may ......