Addition of peritonectomy to gastrectomy can predict good prognosis of gastric adenocarcinoma patien
Objective This study was to evaluate the prognosis of peritonectomy following gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma pat......
假粘液瘤 peritonei (PMP ) 是稀罕疾病。它指进步疾病在从附录或卵巢发源的腹膜以内处理并且被导致“一个果冻肚子”的粘蛋白的液......
Cytoreduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in the treatment of peritoneal carcinoma
瞄准:为了调查亢奋的热腹膜内化疗(HIPEC ) 的最重要的方面,那为假粘液瘤 peritonei (PMP ) 作为标准疗法被接受了,与到病态,全面幸存(......
一个 68 岁的人经历了 laparoscopic 为在 2006 年 12 月的直肠的癌的低前面的切除术。在操作以后的将近 19 瞬间,他与腹转移得了周......
For a long time, treatment of peritoneal metastases(PM) was mostly palliative and thus, this status was linkwith "terminal ......