Diversified calcimicrobes in dendrolites of the Zhangxia Formation, Miaolingian Series(Middle Cambri
As a type of non-laminated microbial carbonates, dendrolites are dominated by isolated dendritic clusters of calcimicrob......
Diversified calcimicrobes in dendrolites of the Zhangxia Formation, Miaolingian Series (Middle Cambr
As a type of non-laminated microbial carbonates, dendrolites are dominated by isolated dendritic clusters of calcimicrob......
Knowledge to Ecological Preferences in a Tropical Epiphytic Algae to Use with Eutrophication Indicat
In Ayapel floodplain periphyton associated to macrophyte roots on the basis of material was collected in fourteen sampli......
Knowledge to Ecological Preferences in a Tropical Epiphytic Algae to Use with Eutrophication Indicat
In Ayapel floodplain periphyton associated to macrophyte roots on the basis of material was collected in fourteen sampli......