Fabrication and Applications of Mechanically-Exfoliated Singleand Few-Layer Transition-Metal Dichalc
Electrochemical exfoliation for few-layer graphene in molybdate aqueous solution and its application
There are still serious barriers from laboratory exploration to large-scale production of commercializing high-quality g......
Supercapacitor electrode based on few-layer h-BNNSs/rGO composite for wide-temperature-range operati
Currently, developing supercapacitors with robust cycle stability and suitability for wide-temperature-range operations ......
Millimeter-sized few-layer graphene sheets with aligned channels for fast lithium-ion charging kinet
Assembly of the top-down graphene units mostly results in 3D porous structure with randomly organized pores.The direct b......
Supercapacitor electrode based on few-layer h-BNNSs/rGO composite for wide-temperature-range operati
Currently, developing supercapacitors with robust cycle stability and suitability for wide-temperature-range operations ......