Adipocytes exert lipotoxic effects on osteoblast through activating hypoxia signaling pathway in vit

来源 :中华医学会第八次全国骨质疏松和骨矿盐疾病学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingotest
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Object To assess the negative effect of adipocytes on osteoblastic bone formation in vitro.Methods Co-culture were performed in differentiated and undifferentiated 3T3-L1 cells with primary calvarial osteoblasts;differentiated dipocytes with Hif1af/f osteoblasts infected with adenoviral-cre in contrast to Hif1 af/f osteoblasts infected with adenoviral-EGFP.Osteoblastic proliferation and mineralization were analyzed after cocultered as well as osteoblastic bone formation related gene and protein expression.
目的 探讨关节镜下缝合锚钉固定垂直褥式缝合和边对边缝合治疗肩关节Bankart 损伤的临床疗效.方法 24 例复发性肩关节前脱位(Bankart 损伤)患者,包括女性 6 例,男性18 例,年龄平均27 岁(17~38 岁),均采用关节镜下带线锚钉缝合固定.本组根据病人住院号随机分为垂直褥式缝合组(14 例)和边对边缝合组(7 例),术前均拍摄X 线片及肩关节MRI 检查,关节镜探查证实为单纯Ba
目的 探讨复合COLⅡ-HA-CS 支架体外诱导骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)分化为软骨细胞的作用,为关节外科常见软骨损伤仿生材料研发提供研究基础.方法 体外培养大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs),待培养至第三代时以5×106个BMSCs/mm3接种细胞至不同成分凝胶混合制成的支架进行实验,具体分组为单纯 Ⅱ 型胶原(Col Ⅱ)组、Col Ⅱ +硫酸软骨素(CS)、Col Ⅱ +透明质酸(HA)
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目的 探讨 D 二聚体值对肺栓塞诊断的意义.方法 患者,男,因车祸致左上肢、右膝部疼痛、流血1h 于2010 年7 月13 日入院.患者无昏迷史,无心慌、胸闷不适.入院查生命体征平稳,左前臂有一长约6cm 伤口,左上肢多处玻璃划伤,右膝关节肿胀明显,因疼痛拒绝活动,前下方外侧有一1cm 长伤口,深达深筋膜下,局部流血,皮肤张力较高,右足背动脉、胫后动脉可及波动,右足趾感觉、运动正常.
目的 探讨踝关节镜微创技术结合解剖双束重建距腓前韧带/跟腓韧带(ATFL/CFL)修复慢性踝关节外侧不稳定的疗效.方法 2008.1-2011.12 有48 例保守治疗无效的慢性踝关节外侧不稳定患者纳入研究,随机分为A、B 两组,A 组采用改良brostrom 法原位紧缩缝合,B 组行ATFL/CFL 双束解剖重建.平均随访40.2 月(2-5 年),对术前术后距骨前移及倾斜、踝关节活动度、AOF
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Apoptosis of osteoblasts induced by glucocorticoid (GC) has been identified as a major cause of osteoporosis,bone loss and fractures,and the oxidative stress was found as an important contributor.Ther