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北京法源寺内,拥有为数众多的石刻文物,其中尤以碑碣为最,总数当有五十余通(块),曾辑有《法源寺贞石录》行世。这批碑碣,上自初唐下迄民国,可以说每朝皆具,而独缺元,后经中国佛教图书文物馆诸同仁的努力,收集、商借到元碑三通,陈列于寺内,惜未曾著录。今据现有的碑文实物、拓片,以及相关资料,对《圣旨碑》、《大元福寿兴元观记》、《大庆寿寺西堂海云大禅师碑》三通元碑,分别予以说明和录文,以备齐全。其中《圣旨碑》碑文,系由蒙语译成当时的白话汉语,文句生涩,令人难以理解,又增加了注释和译文两项内容。 Beijing Fayuan Temple, with a large number of stone artifacts, of which the most particularly monument, the total number of more than fifty (block), had edited “Fayuan Temple Zhengshi Lu” world. These emperors, from the beginning of the twentieth century until the Republic of China, can be said that every dynasty has its own tools, but the only element, after the efforts of all my colleagues in the Chinese Buddhist Library and Museum, collection, business lending to the monument, showing in the temple, Pity never wrote. According to the existing inscriptions in kind, rubbings, and related information on the “imperial edict”, “Tai Yuan Fu Shou Xing Yuan Kee,” “Daqing Shousi Xitang Haiyun Great Zen monument” three links yuan monument, respectively, to be described and Essay, ready to prepare. Among them, the inscription of “Holy Monument of God” is translated from Mongolian to the then vernacular Chinese, and the sentence is jerky, which makes it hard to understand. It adds two parts: annotation and translation.
随着我国社会经济和互联网的快速发展,人们消费观念的不断转变和升级,应运而生了互联网消费金融。我国互联网消费金融平台在2016-2017年出现爆发性的增长。2017年我国互联网消费金融的交易规模达到4.38万亿元,比2016年增长了 904%:2018年,我国互联网消费金融交易规模保持继续走高的趋势,高达9.78万亿元,同比增长122.9%。然而在2018年我国监管政策频出,迫使我国互联网消费金融行