Review of Alternative Wind Power Generation Technologies

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lz1111111
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  Wind power has the potential to provide affordable electrical power to anyone anywhere.Current systems require significant breakthrough to address performance, cost, and environmental issues.The purpose of this article is to review state-of-the-art technologies and present a discussion on which technology is more suited to bring wind power to its optimum benefits.A brief review of the wind power generation market, the basics of wind power generation, the technological advances,and summary and conclusions are presented.Wind power generation is controlled by two major factors: free stream wind speed and blade radius.These two design parameters have caused the tower height and blade sizes to be massive.In terms of manufacturing, logistics, installation, and maintenance challenges and costs, the height of the towers and size of the blades have reached their limits.Initially, wind energy was used to induce a function, such as moving boats using sail, cooling houses by circulating outside air, running machinery in farms, and even small production facilities.In late 1800s and early 1900s, conversion of wind energy to electrical power marked a turning point for the wind power generation industry.Due to energy crisis and changes in the political and social climates, wind turbines started to rapidly spread across the globe in the last 30 years.However, wind power is far from its full potential.Although manufacturers have incrementally improved conventional wind turbines, the cost of wind-generated power continues to exceed the cost of power generated by hydropower plants, coal and natural gas.Turbines are often subjected to excessive downtime, failure and repair costs are high.Moreover, complaints of harm to wildlife and human health continue to plague the industry.A recently developed technology, INVELOX solves all the major issues mentioned above giving it the potential to provide electrical power to anyone anywhere around the globe.
摘 要:音标是表达发音的符号,作为在小学一线工作的教师,我的教学实践告诉我,音标教学是小学英语教学中最重要的环节之一,也是小学生识记单词、口语交流的“学步车”。笔者结合自身教学实践经验和理论的积累,提出了实施音标教学的重要性和实际作用,讨论了实施音标教学的策略和建议。  关键词:小学英语;音标教学;重要意义;实际作用;教学策略;教学建议  中图分类号:G623.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:199
[本刊讯]2020年11月1日,中国行政管理学会2020年会暨“学习贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神 加强数字政府建设 推进国家治理现代化”研讨会在北京隆重召开.来自全国行政管理学术
家住福建龙海市的74岁老人李春雷,被“尿多多”困扰了好几年。白天有事情做,感觉还不太严重,到了夜间躺在床上,尿意就频频而来,每晚都要起床两三次。起夜次数多了,睡眠自然不好,早上锻炼后回家,非要再躺一会儿。问问一起晨练的其他老人,大都有和李大爷类似的尿频现象。  正常成人日间平均排尿4~6次,夜间就寝后0~2次,每次尿量300~500毫升。如在单位时间内排尿次数明显超过正常范围,则称为尿频。尿频常“
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