Thermoregulation and thermogenic characteristics in Tupaia belangeri from Luquan and Kunming

来源 :第八届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaaf
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  In order to understand the physiological and ecological adaptations of Tupaia belangeri from Luquan(A group) and Kunming(B group),the characteristics of their metabolic rates,thermal conductance,body temperatures(Tb) were measured using a closed-circuit respirometer at different temperatures.The thermal neutral zone(TNZ) of A group of T.belangeri was 30-35 ℃ and of B group of T.belangeri was 27.5-35.C ; The relationship of body temperature and ambient temperature for the two groups were Tb(℃)=37.99+0.07 Ta and Tb( ℃ )=38.33+0.05Ta,respectively; Basal metabolic rate (BMR) were 1.395±0.03 ml02/(gh) and 2.034±0.06 ml02/(gh),respectively; Average minimum thermal conductance (Cm) were 0.140±0.0034 ml02/(g*h) ℃ and 0,148 ±0.0041 ml02/(g*h)℃,respectively,and their F-values (RMR/Kleiber predicted RMR) I (C/Bradley predicted C) were 0.91±0.01 and 1.14±0.03 in their respective TNZs.All of the results may reflect the characteristics of T.belangeri from Kunming had relatively higher BMR and minimum thermal conductance than that of T.belangeri from Luquan,T.belangeri from Kunming was capable of maintaining a stable BMR over a wider range of ambient temperatures than that of T.belangeri from Luquan.These differences in their thermogenic characteristics thermoregulatory styles may closely related to their life histories,and habitats.
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