Design Study of a 4-beam type IH-RFQ for PoP HIF Injectorwith Laser Ion Source

来源 :The 20th International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusio | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IamluyundongPPA
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Two breakthroughs,the direct plasma injection scheme (DPIS) and the multibeam type RFQ had been invented and successfully accelerated over 100mA heavy ion beam recently,have enabled heavy-ion inertial confinement fusion (HIF).The first DPIS test accelerated 9.22 mA of C4+ beam successfully in 2001,and we succeeded to accelerate 60 mA carbon ions with the DPIS in 2004 and we also successfully succeeded to accelerate an 108mA (2×54 mA/channel) C2+ beam in 2010 by using a PoP type 2-beam interdigital-H (IH)-RFQ[1].
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