【摘 要】
The emerging roles of microRNAs(miRNAs)and pulmonary epithelial cells in regulating the immune response against microbial invasion has attracted increasing attention in recent years,however,the immuno
【出 处】
The emerging roles of microRNAs(miRNAs)and pulmonary epithelial cells in regulating the immune response against microbial invasion has attracted increasing attention in recent years,however,the immunoregulatory roles of miRNAs in the pulmonary epithelial cells in response to mycobacterial infection has not been fully demonstrated.
The matrix protein(M)is one of only five genes in the RV genome and is an important multifunctional protein.Besides to allow for the release of newly replicated virions pairing with G,the M protein al
Cases of brucellosis were diagnosed in 3-month-old twins and their mother.An epidemiologic survey suggested that raw sheep or goat meat might be the source of Brucella melitensis infection.This findin
Apoptosis of alveolar macrophages following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection have been demonstrated to play a central role in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis.In the present study,we found that Wn
This paper reports results of the ecohealth project implemented in Yunnan Province,China.The results through literature review show that,as a notifiable disease,prevalence of Brucellosis has been sign
目的 了解吉林省西部牧区养殖羊户家庭中小学生对布病防治知识的知晓及行为习惯现状,为农牧区学校开展布病健康教育提供依据。方法 采用多阶段抽样方法,于2012年11月在吉林省松原市前郭县养殖羊农户集中的两个乡镇(即乌兰塔拉乡和查干花镇)的中小学校,随机抽取近1年家庭养羊的209名在校学生进行布病防治知识及行为习惯的问卷调查,结果分析采用卡方检验。
目的 了解吉林省西部牧区养殖羊农户家庭布鲁杆菌病(布病)感染及养殖现状,分析布病感染的影响因素,为控制人间布病在养殖羊农户家庭中蔓延提供依据。方法 采用多阶段抽样的方法,于2012年11月在吉林省西部牧区布病高发地区前郭县抽取2个乡镇,即查干花镇和乌兰塔拉乡;在每个乡镇各抽取近1/2的村子;对所抽取村子的全部养殖羊农户家庭户主进行调查。