由于[他们]极其伟大和受尊敬的地位,其他突厥部落,尽管种类和名称各不相同,也逐渐以他们的名字著称,全都被称为塔塔儿[达怛]。拉施特《史集》八世纪初期的突厥文碑铭记载有Otuz Tatar(三十姓达怛)和Toquz Tatar(九姓达怛)。唐、宋以来的汉文献记载有黑车子达怛、阴山达怛和黄头达怛。中外史学界从本世纪初至今对达怛的研究,解决了许多问题。本文在前人研究基础上,着重对文献记载的各部分达怛的相关史实作一些考察。
Because of [their] utmost grandeur and esteem, other Turkic tribes, known in their names as Tatars [达怛怛], despite their different species and names, are known all along. Rastatt’s Epics The Ottoman inscriptions of the early eighties contain Otuz Tatar and Toquz Tatar. Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the Chinese literature records black carriages, yin yan dao, and yangtou dao. Chinese and foreign historians have studied many problems since the beginning of this century so far. On the basis of previous studies, this paper focuses on some historical facts related to Tathagata recorded in the literature.