本文旨在探寻汉语国际教育与推广事业的核心价值,并力求从中把握汉语国际教育与推广背景下的对外汉语师资的核心素质。首先,本文探讨了汉语国际推广与对外汉语的关系;其次,分析了汉语国际推广的当前形势以及对对外汉语师资的需求;最后,探讨了对外汉语师资的核心素质,核心素质的要求来源于汉语国际推广核心价值的要求。根据哈佛大学著名学者麦克利兰(David C.Mc-Clelland)“胜任力素质测量要胜于智力(Testing for Competence Rather Than for‘Intelligence’)”以及Spencer的素质冰山模型理论,笔者认为对外汉语师资的核心精神素质是:品质优秀、动机善良、认真负责、自信戒骄、进取向上。根据哈佛大学中文教学“输入是基础、输出是目的”的核心理念,笔者认为对外汉语教师的最核心的专业素质是:语言素质(本国语言和对象国语言的表达和解释)、教学素质(充分调动学习者的积极性并提高学习的实效性)。
The purpose of this paper is to explore the core value of Chinese international education and promotion and try to grasp the core qualities of teachers of Chinese as a foreign language under the background of Chinese international education and promotion. First of all, this paper explores the relationship between Chinese international promotion and TCFL. Secondly, it analyzes the current situation of Chinese language promotion and the demand for teachers of TCFL. Finally, it discusses the core qualifications of teachers of Chinese as a foreign language and the core quality requirements from Chinese International promotion of the core values of the request. According to the famous Harvard University scholar David C. Mc-Clelland, “Testing for Competence Rather Than for ’Intelligence,” and Spencer’s Quality Iceberg Model Theory, I believe that external The core mental qualities of Chinese teachers are: excellent quality, motivated good, serious and responsible, self-confidence and arrogance, progressive. According to the core concept of Chinese teaching at Harvard University, “input is the foundation and output is the goal.” The author believes that the core professional qualities of teachers of Chinese as foreigners are: language quality (expression and interpretation of native language and target language), teaching quality (Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of learners and improve the effectiveness of learning).