The total amount of wind power in Japan was almost 2.6 GW in the end of 2012 for 13th position in the world,and the additional one in 2013 will be smaller than 0.1 GW.Now we have suffered from new and strong regulation of environmental assessment for wind turbines with at least three years period,which temporally stops the growth of wind power even if we have expensive price of 22 Japanese Yen / kWh for wind power in FIT system.However,offshore wind power has been strongly developed in Japan as national projects of both shallow water and deep one of offshore system.It is in the beginning of 2013 when they started the national project of 2.3MW machine in Choshi city and another 2MW one in Kita-Kyushu city for the shallow water type while they install the met mast beside the turbine in each area for measuring the wave data as well as meteorological ones.Now we have completed two new deep offshore wind systems in Nagasaki prefecture and Fukushima one.Both of them employ 2 MW turbines of down-wind type accidentally with spar type of floating structure in Nagasaki and semi-submarine one in Fukushima.New installation of two giant turbines of 7 MW will be followed in Fukushima next fiscal year.Now the government is under the discussion of new FIT price for offshore wind to support the development of offshore wind.Furthermore they will discuss and decide the fundamental plan of energy system by 2030 in near future.