【摘 要】
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential for transdifferentiation into cell types including neuronal cells.Neural-like cells derived from MSCs are also a promising therapeutic modality for rep
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Second Affiliated Hospital of Nan chang University,Nanchang Ci
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential for transdifferentiation into cell types including neuronal cells.Neural-like cells derived from MSCs are also a promising therapeutic modality for repairing ischemic stroke.Evaluating the expression pattern of CXCR4 and investigating its mechanism in MSCs before and after neural differentiation has great importance in evaluating the potential clinical application of these cells in the treatment of neurodegenerative or traumatic diseases of the central nervous system.Chemokines are a large family of small,basic peptides that have mainly been characterized as various cell type chemoattractants.One of the most factors that contributes to cell migration,proliferation,and survival is SDF-1/CXCR4 axis.Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and its chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) play an important role in regulating MSCs migration,proliferation and differentiation.In this sturdy,after MSCs differentiated to the neural-like cell,CXCR4 expression and its function were examined.We found that CXCR4 expression was increased as MSCs undergo neural differentiation.we found neuronal induction media (NIM) increased P-AKT and neural-like cells migration.The ability of MSCs migration was significantly decreased in the presence of PI3K/AKT inhibitor (LY294002).So,we could conclude that NIM stimulation activated phosphorylation of Akt,which in turn increased and pro-moted migration of MSCs toward SDF-1.These data suggested that the increase of transmigration toward SDF-1 was correlated with PI3K signal pathway.In summary,this study demonstrated that PI3K/AKT activation is involved in increasing CXCR4 expression and promoting neuron-like cells migration in vitro experiment.
目的 探讨多孔钽棒植入治疗早期股骨头无菌性坏死的临床疗效.方法 对27 例(32 髋)诊断为股骨头无菌性坏死的患者行多孔钽金属棒植入术.股骨头无菌性坏死程度按Steinberg 分期:Ⅰ期8 例(10 髋),Ⅱ期19 例(22 髋),其中男患者19 例,女患者8例.术后随访包括患者所有临床和影像学资料,平均随访18.6 个月(13~26 个月),通过术后Harris 髋关节评分进行疗效判定.
目的:对于椎板狭窄的L5SI 椎间盘突出症,采用后路经椎板间隙内镜治疗存在入路困难、操作空间狭窄的问题.内镜下磨钻可以解决椎板狭窄入路孔径但价格昂贵推广困难.评价采用徒手扩窗技术,经椎板间入路内镜治疗椎板间隙狭窄型L5S1 椎间盘突出症的疗效.
Background:The Cable Pin System has been demonstrated to be an effectivedevice for fixation of transverse patella fractures.However,whether this kindof device could provide better results by using a m
目的:建立骶骨肿瘤切除内固定术后骨盆实体模型,并进行相关应力分析,为临床应用提供生物力学依据。方法:选取新鲜中年人骨盆标本3 具,建立骶骨肿瘤切除前后及内固定术后骨盆模型,并在模拟坐位承重条件下,对比研究相关应力分布。结果:成功建立骶骨肿瘤切除后骨盆模型,对其在坐位时承重情况进行加载分析,并与正常及未固定骨盆进行比较,结果发现:(1) 完整骨盆受到外力后,力的传导沿腰椎→骶骨→双侧骶髂关节面→髂骨
Objective:to compare the sagittal profiles among the different progressionalthoracic idiopathic scoliosis(IS) patients.Methods:We collected 97 outpatientIS patients from June 2008 to June 2011.
目的:分析腰椎融合术后顽固性下腰痛产生的相关因素,探讨其治疗干预措施.方法:1998 年7 月~2008 年7 月,采用后路减压、植骨融合及椎弓根螺钉内固定术治疗下腰椎退变性疾病728 例(腰椎管狭窄252 例,腰椎间盘突出412,腰椎滑脱64 例),其中融合节段未涉及腰骶关节者600 例(L45,L345),进行腰骶关节融合128 例.
Background:Oxidative stress and inflammatory damage play an important role in cerebral ischemic pathogenesis and may represent a target for treatment.Celastrol has been proved to elicit a vanity of bi
背景与目的:颅内静脉窦血栓(cerebral venous and sinusthrombosis,CVST)是一种特殊类型的脑血管病,可以由多种危险因素诱发,临床表现多样,容易出现误诊和漏诊,但随着近年MRV,DSA 等血管影像学检查的普及应用,对于该病的诊断水平得到了很大的提高,经确诊后给予及时的治疗预后较好.我们收集了40 例静脉窦血栓患者的危险因素、临床表现、影像学检查及治疗情况等材料,进
背景和目的:脑静脉窦血栓形成的发病人群以青壮年为主,但随着人口老龄化的发展,老年人患此病的比例正在增加,有必要了解老年人脑静脉窦血栓形成的临床特点.方法:回顾性分析9 年共82 例脑静脉窦血栓形成患者的临床资料,将患者分为年轻组(年龄<50y)和老年组(年龄≥ 50y)两组人群,比较这两组人群病因、症状学、体征、治疗和预后的差异.结果:82 例患者平均年龄36.3±14.4y(8-73y).年龄≥
目的 认知功能障碍是影响中老年人健康及生活质量的重要疾病之一,其患病率呈逐年递增趋势,因此越来越受到研究者的关注,轻度认知功能障碍(MCI),即介于正常衰老和轻度痴呆间的过渡认知功能状态.在此阶段积极地干预有可能改善病人的生活质量及疾病预后.有研究证明颅外颈动脉粥样硬化性狭窄不仅是缺血性脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,而且严重颈动脉狭窄可能与认知功能受损有关,但无症状颅内动脉狭窄与认知功能障碍的关系临床