Design of the Quantum Encoder and Decoder Using QCA

来源 :第四届全国信息光学与光子器件学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bairuyu123
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  Based on the bi-stable characteristic of quantum cellular automata,the encoder and decoder are designed according to different principles.Simulation is performed using semiclassical simulation method.Compared with the E.N.Ganeshs design of decoder.our design require fewer components and simpler structure.Besides,according modularization design method.we construct II/IV encoder using III/VIII encoder.We also prove that other kinds of encoders with more bits can be built using II/ IV encoder module.Moreover.the method of analysis and design of complex circuit using the principle of the combination of basic circuit module is meaningful for practical work.
Introducing the Finite difference time domain method and perfect match layer absorbing boundary condition,the electro-tunable localized modes in two dimensional nematic-liquid-crystal photonic crystal
In micro optical electro mechanical systems,the air thickness of a Fabry-Perot cavity is about one wavelength.Therefore,the interference series is less and the reflection phases of the reflectors have
利用激光输出光照射到带有振源信息的受迫振动玻璃表面,经玻璃表面反射的光携带有振源的信息.反射光由光电二极管采集并转换为电信号,再经功放放大后,直接送喇叭输出,达到了将振源声音还原的目的,实现了对远程语音的监听.同时还设计了基于声卡采集和LabVIEW 软件的信号分析系统.经测试表明,本装置可以较好的对模拟房间内的语音信号进行远程监听,最远监听距离可达50.7m.具有灵敏度高、操作简单、制作成本低廉
Aimed at the complexity of the traffic natural scene,this paper put forward a kind of triangle traffic sign detection method in the basis of Radon transform.the process of detection consists of three
根据动力学驱动反馈神经网络特点,为解决无线相干接收机的电域盲自适应均衡的特定问题,设计了一种结构简单、灵活性强的连续振幅多阈值SIn 激励函数形式,并详细分析了该激励函数的参数选择方法;提出了该问题引点和斥点的新概念,然后从激励函数角度分析了Rnn 电域盲自适应均衡问题的放大因子选择的范围;该激励函数的设计和分析不仅对于无线相干接收机盲自适应均衡问题适用,也可推广至其它相应领域。最后辅以仿真实验验
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采用声光调犙可调谐线偏振CO2 脉冲激光器,在250 Hz重频脉冲下以共线ooe相位匹配方式作用于GaSe晶体,得到CO2 激光的可调谐倍频输出.测量了基频波长为9.3、9.6、10.3、10.6μm 时的相位匹配角,并通过对比现有文献中色散方程的相位匹配角计算结果和测量结果,确定出最适于该实验所用GaSe晶体样本的色散方程.实验对倍频信号与基频波的入射方位角φ的关系进行测量,以此检测出晶体内部
针对弹丸修正中弹目间距难以测量问题,提出了一种适用于常规弹药的单目视觉测量弹目间距的方法。根据投射成像原理,推算二维目标像点坐标与目标的空间三维位置之间的映射关系。通过分析弹丸、摄像机以及大地坐标系之间的坐标转换关系,建立单目视觉测量弹目间距的数学模型。分析影响距离测量精度的影响因素,使用SQP 算法优化摄像机焦距,并基于LPV 方法设计非线性滤波器优化对测量结果进行优化。通过三轴转台建立弹丸视觉