Cell Cytoskeleton plays a critical role in cell motility, cell polarity, cytokinesis, cell migration and vesicular movement.These cell process are based on assembly and disassembly of the MSP(major sperm protein) filaments in nematode sperm cell instead of actin filaments.MSP based cell motility and activation need ATP produced from mitochondria but the mechanism remains unknown.When the mitochondrial function was blocked by inhibitors, for instance, CCCP, antimycin, oligomycin and atractyloside, spermatids could not be activated by activator and membrane organelle also could not fuse with plasma membrane.These inhibitors also make MSP filaments dissemble and inhibit cell motility.Mitochondria membrane potential increased significantly when activator was added.Mitochondria are able to feel and response to the extracellular signal.Interestingly, there was not mitochondria fusion in sperm cell.Taken together, mitochondrial function is very important for sperm activation and motility.