Biocultural Diversity Conservation in Nepal Diversity and Ongoing Activities

来源 :国际生物多样性与文化多样性保护研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lggu770621
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@@Bio-cultural diversity is a concept that embraces biological diversity, cultural diversity and the important interactions between them. A bio-cultural approach to development is an opportunity to reframe the international development conversation as it lifts the voices of local and indigenous people and their cultures and creates a more resilient and beautifully diverse world. It includes all the levels of biodiversity, from species to ecosystems, and all the manifestations of cultural diversity, from ideas to cultures and including linguistic diversity. It focuses particularly on the relationships between different cultures and their natural environments.Nepal is multicultural, multilingual and multi-religious country is a good example of having rich bio-cultural diversity. Nepal covers all shades of climate from tropical to alpine and even to dry desertic in trans Himalayan, resulting in environmental diversity giving Nepals ecosystem a unique wealth and variety. With 118 ecosystem types, 75 vegetation types, and 35 forest types, it houses about 6,500 species of flowering plants, of which over 370 species are found to be endemic and around 2000 species as medicinal and aromatic plants. Even though Nepal shares only 0.1% of the total land area of the world, it still harbours 2.7 % of the worlds flowering plants, 9.3% birds, and 4.5% of mammals of the world. This diversity is found in the dense tropical monsoon forests of the Terai, the deciduous and coniferous forests of the subtropical and temperate regions, and the sub-alpine and alpine pastures and snow covered peaks of the Himalayan mountain range.
摘 要:新课改背景下,高效课堂理念的提出,为初中语文教学提供了理论思想与实践依据。针对当前初中语文教学现状,将高效课堂理念融入其中,能优化初中语文教学体制,重构语文课堂教学模式,凸显初中语文教学的实践意义。对此,本文立足于初中语文教学的现状,论述新课改背景下构建初中语文高效课堂的路径。  关键词:新课改 初中语文 高效课堂  DOI:10.12241/j.issn.1009-7252.2020.3
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摘 要:作文教学是小学中年级语文教学工作中十分重要的内容,然而对于教师而言,可能最难教的就是作文了,对于学生而言,最难学的也是作文,作文甚至成为小学阶段难以跨越的“鸿沟”。如何让学生享受作文学习的乐趣,并在快乐学习的过程中提升写作能力,进而提高语文素养,成为诸多小学语文教师关注、探究的教学难点。  关键词:小学中年级 作文教学 有效对策  DOI:10.12241/j.issn.1009-7252
摘 要:在小学语文教学体系中,进行阅读与写作教学的主要目的是激发学生对于读写的兴趣和欲望。小学阶段的学生大多都是感性思维,兴趣是学生学习小学语文知识的基础。小学语文教师应该积极探究能够有效激发学生热爱读书、爱上写作的方法,充分满足新课改理念下的教学需求。在对小学语文读写教学情况进行分析后,笔者提出将“悦读·趣写”教学模式运用在小学语文教学中,其中“悦”“趣”是教学的核心,通过运用这种教学模式,可以
@@1. Introduction:Lao People's Democratic Republic is a landlocked country located in South East Asia, bordered by Thailand to the west, Myanmar to the northwes