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Scientific investigation from the last two decades of physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits of human-animal interactions has led to the emergence of a new domain of inquiry and intervention: Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). AAT is nowadays a common technique in health-improving programs in humans. Everywhere in the world, there are high costs associated with the treatment of mental disorders. As a consequence, there is a great interest in less expansive therapy programs such as AAT in general and more specific in dog-assisted therapy. However, until now there is no convergent arguments regarding psychological and behavioral variables which should be carefully considered when AAT is incorporated in psychotherapy protocols (in terms of achieving a maximum efficacy). Our study aims to identify these variables by reviewing recent studies with controlled clinical trials involving AAT. Studies were selected from two international databases (PsychInfo and ISI Web of Science, 1990 - 2008) using Keywords and combinations of them such as animal assisted therapy and pet therapy. Our study shows that when using AAT in psychotherapy it is important to take into account the following variables: self-esteem, self-control, prosocial behavior, orientation toward reality and the ability to express emotions in AAT context.
在流动模式家庭化趋势不断加强的现实面前,对流动人口收入及其性别差异的研究仍忽视流动模式的作用.利用2012 年全国流动人口动态监测调查上海市的数据,探讨了流动模式对流动
<正> 离子氮化对于延长机械零件及工模具寿命有着十分显著的效果,但是对碳钢由于硬度上不去而效果不佳。 太原工学院金相教研组最近试验成功了一种新的离子氮化工艺——钛氮
<正> 离子氮化是近年来迅速发展起来的一种先进的化学热处理工艺。在推广这一新工艺的基础上,我们又初步试验成功了两种新的离子氮化工艺,即钛离子氮化和钛氮碳三元离子共渗,