1933-1937年间,朱塞佩·图齐教授在托林寺、塔波寺、芒囊寺及古格王国的边远寺庙中发现了大量早期插图藏文写本、壁画及雕塑,余响不绝,近年来霍巍教授带领的团队在聂/卡孜(Nyag触atse)、张建林研究员带领的团队在托林都获得了古代寺庙壁画及写本的重要发现。上述艺术作品揭示了受邀前来为1 1-12世纪间拉喇嘛益西沃及古格-普兰王室支持的寺庙进行庄严的克什米尔艺术家的美学影响。本文将集中分析其中一幅独特的红色身形的观音唐卡,这幅唐卡绘画的重要性在于其作为古格王国鼎盛时期西藏西部克什米尔风格的便携式绘画作品的典型范例而具有的美学及历史意义。此唐卡中展现了克什米尔艺术的独特绘画技法要素。此外,与图齐教授西藏考察中由欧金尼奥·盖尔西博士所摄的芒囊寺壁画照片相比较,此唐卡与前者在年代及艺术风格上极为相近,尤其体现在方形的曼荼罗构图,以及克什米尔艺术中对色彩范式及明暗对照法的偏好。探讨其宗教历史背景,则既与敦煌藏文写卷中保存的宗教仪轨有关,也与金刚界曼荼罗相关,后者是西藏西部早期寺庙的壁画及雕塑中体现的最首要的佛教体系,所遵循的是由王室上师仁钦桑波(958-1055)及另一克什米尔上师重译的藏文新译经典。
Between 1933 and 1937, Professor Giuseppe Tucci discovered a large number of early illustrations of Tibetan scripts, murals and sculptures in the remote temples of Tolyn Temple, Tabor Temple, Mount Vesuvius and Gugu Kingdom. The team led by Prof. Huo Wei at Nyagatseng and the team led by Prof. Zhang Jianlin won the important discoveries of murals and scripts of ancient temples in Tallinn. These works of art reveal the aesthetical influence of the solemn Kashmiri artists invited to the temples supported by the Lama Yishi Sivo and Guggen -pran from the 1st to the 12th centuries. This article will focus on one of the unique red stature of the Quan Yin Thangka. The importance of this Thangka painting lies in the aesthetics and history it possesses as a typical example of the Kashmir-style portable pictorial works in Tibet during its heyday significance. This Thangka shows the unique elements of Kashmir art. In addition, this Thangka is very similar in age and artistic style to the former in terms of mural photos taken by Dr. Eugenio Gaelic in Tibet during his visit to Tibet, especially in the square Mann The composition of the mandala, as well as the preferences of the Kashmirian art for the color paradigm and the chiaroscuro. To explore its religious history is related not only to the religious rituals held in the Dunhuang Tibetan writings but also to the mandalas of the Vajra constituency, which are the most important Buddhist systems embodied in the murals and sculptures of early temples in western Tibet , Followed by a new translation of the Tibetan text translated by the royal master Rinchen Sang Bo (958-1055) and another Kashmir Guru.