Korea today is a demographically young nation,however,by 2050 it may be the oldest country on earth with 38.2% of its population will be elderly due to life expectancy rising and falling birth rates.
1.病例报告患者,男,79岁,腹部隐痛、反酸病史1周余.实验室检查:血钙4.37 mmol/L,磷1.50 umol/L,钾3.10 umol/L.脂肪酶553.92U/L,淀粉酶102.50 U/L,肾功:尿素氮28.90mmolfL,肌酐326.10 umol/L,尿酸615.9 umol/L.患者血钙、PTH升高明显,考虑甲状旁腺功能亢进症、高钙危象,对症补液、利尿降血钙、血液滤过.化验结果
The spinal cord contains hundreds of different types of neuronal cells,i.e.motor neurons andintemeurons that exert extremely specific functions by regulating the contraction state of unique muscles or
This is a long-term study about a man who has only half brain.WD had lost his left hemisphere due to epilepsy in 1987 when he was 12 years old.
Neural stem cells (NSCs) promote recovery from brain trauma,but neuronal replacement is unlikely the sole underlying mechanism.We hypothesize that grafted NSCs enhance neural repair at least partially
In the core of a brain infarct,energy supply is insufficient to remain ion gradients across the neuronal membrane: loss of neuronal function is followed by neuronal death within minutes.
In this talk,I explain how neurally-inspired models of natural data can lead to new insights into natural signal processing.Interestingly for neuroscience theory,the main tool involves learning a disc
A body constitution is a classification of individuals into different types of physical condition in order to prevent disease and promote health.
The aim of this presentation is to introduce research which our laboratory has performed in order to elucidate the EEG correlates of human perception and emotion in VR.
Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are often contaminated with electromyogram (EMG) and electrooculogram (EOG) artifacts and other noises,like power-line interference and white noise.