《满文老档》是用满文写成的官撰编年体史书。它记载了努尔哈齐、皇太极在东北广大地区进行各种活动,进而入扰京师周围各城镇屯堡,以逼明廷的史事。其内容涉及清初入关前(1607— 1636)满族社会经济、政治、军事、文化、民族、外交乃至风俗人情、宫廷生活、天文、地理、气象等。资料丰富重要,多为《清实录》、《东华录》、《开国方略》等史书所不载。因此早已引起中外学者的兴趣。本文拟就《满文老档》的编写时间、文字特点、史料价值、整理重抄、翻译出版诸问题,略陈笔者管见,欲与同好探讨。
“Manchu old file” is written in Manchurian official history books. It records Nurhaqi and Huang Taichi conducting various activities in vast areas in the northeast China and then intruding the Tunpu townships in various cities around the capital to force the compilation of the court’s history. Its content relates to the Manchu social economy, politics, military affairs, culture, nationality, diplomacy and even the customs, court life, astronomy, geography and meteorology before entering the Qing Dynasty (1607-3636). Information rich and important, mostly “Qing Record”, “Tung Hwa Lu”, “Founding of the Strategy” and other history books are not contained. So long aroused the interest of Chinese and foreign scholars. This article intends to “Manchu old file,” the preparation time, text features, historical value, finishing re-copying, translation and publishing issues, slightly Chen author I see, desire and the same discussion.