瞿秋白同志(1899-1935)是我国卓越的马克思主义理论家, 中国共产党早期最主要的领导人之一。早在20世纪二三十年代, 他就致力于马克思主义理论的介绍和传播,运用历史唯物主义的理论和方法,对中国社会进行较广泛的研究和精辟分析,揭示了中国社会的发展趋势,并且积极投身社会革命运动,将马克思主义理
Comrade Qu Qiubai (1899-1935) was one of our prominent Marxist theorists and one of the most prominent leaders of the Chinese Communist Party in the early days. As early as the 1920s and the third decades of the 20th century, he devoted himself to the introduction and dissemination of Marxist theory. He used the theories and methods of historical materialism to conduct a more extensive analysis and analysis of Chinese society, revealed the development trend of Chinese society, And actively join the social revolution movement, will Marxism