Construction and characterization of a cDNA library from Beijing fatty chicken liver tissue and ezpr

来源 :第十一次全国畜禽遗传标记研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houwplanling
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A cDNA library from Beijing fatty chicken liver tissue was constructed according to the protocol of SMART TM cDNA library Construction Kit. The qualities of both unamplified and amplified cDNA libraries were strictly checked by conventional titer determination. The titers of unamplifed and amplified libraries were 1.96×106 pfu/ml and 1.64×109 pfu/ml respectively. The percentages of recombinants from both libraries were 97.8% in unamplified library and 95.6% in amplified library. The library was converted into pTriplEx2 plasmids in E. coli BM25.8 strain. The lengths of the inserts were 1.23 kb in average, 1-2 kb in 64.29%, and 0.5-1.0 kb in 35.71%。 Full length purH cDNA was inserted into multiple cloning sites between EcoR I and BamH I sites in the fusion expression vectors pEGFP-N3, pEYFP-Nl and pDsRedl-Nl, and the recombinant eukaryotic expression vectors pEGFP-N3-purH, pEYFP-Nl-purH and pDsRedl-Nl-purH were constructed with GFP as reporter gene to transfect into Beijing fatty chicken fibroblasts. The results showed that 24> 48 and 72h after transfer, the efficiencies of expression of the three recombinant fusion gene types were between 10.3% and 53.2%, and fluorescence was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus except in the cryptomere vesicle. A high quality cDNA library from Beijing fatty chicken was successfully constructed and provided a useful resource for the functional genomic research of Beijing fatty chicken.
本实验选取鸡VIPR-1基因中20个位点利用PCR-RFLP方法分析了这些位点在茶花鸡、泰和丝羽乌骨鸡、固始鸡和隐性白洛克鸡这4个群体的连锁不平衡模式,发现在该基因区域(约70 kb)内
Chicken sex-linked barred plumage locus was a dominant locus on chicken Z chromosome. The locus could be utilized to produce phenotypes that identify the sexes