Building supply and sewagewater treatment with AOT

来源 :第二届亚洲节水会议暨第二届中国建筑学会建筑给水排水研究分会第一次会员大会暨学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mydearsun
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  The AOT,process has a potential to save energy,increase energy efficiency in heat and power generating equipment and make possible the reuse of waste water and recovery of finite resources in the existing and new built environment.The AOT process is a way of producing hydroxyl radicals without the addition of any chemicals.Just the way nature itself does it.With technology able to control legionella at temperatures lower than 50℃ many means of energy conservation opens up Large amounts of water can be saved using the technology in pools and spas.The brought about decrease in THM will reduce the necessity to back flush especially sand filters.Installations were done in a public swimming bath in 2003 in Stockholm,Sweden,and is still working fine with considerable yearly savings.The humane urine contains nutrients that are of great interest.The two most important are nitrogen and phosphorus.They are both essential for all types of plants and we take in these substances through the food we eat.The wastewater on the other hand poses a problem since it contributes to the eutrophication of lakes and seas.So while there is talk of a lack of nutrients in the future world of agriculturewe are at the same time trying to destroy the very same nutrients in our sewage treatment plants.A urine fraction isolated at the source is a pure and nutritious liquid,except for pharmaceutical residues and small amounts of bacteria.Consequently multiple purposes would be achieved if humane urine was isolated and treated separately.
机器人工作空间的分析和求解是机器人机构设计过程中一个非常重要的问题,本文基于Matlab仿真法研究MRI环境下的胸腹部介入治疗机器人的工作空间,根据机器人结构,利用Matlab /Simulink中的SimMechanics工具箱进行建模,并仿真出机器人的工作空间,最后通过仿真结果验证机器人结构的合理性并对机器人结构的优化设计提出想法。
军团菌在公共场所的沐浴水中普遍存在,可对人体健康造成很大威胁。本试验研究采用模拟管道系统研究银离子对热水中细菌及军团菌的杀灭作用。试验结果表明,银离子浓度为0.05mg/L时,消毒80min后细菌总数灭活率可达96.43%;银离子浓度为0.11mg/L时,消毒180min和210min后对浓度为2.52×103 cfu/mL的军团菌的灭活率分别达92.86%和99.91%。银离子对军团菌和一般细菌
Strong policies on the food waste recycling have conducted successfully in Korea since the enforcement of nationwide volume based solid waste discharge fee system in 1995,but some problems on the comp