Trends in Higher Education Investment:Implications for Higher Education Policy And University Strate

来源 :2011年大学教育投资与发展战略国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangliu2009
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  By way of introduction the paper outlines the reform of UK higher education finance and investment in the wake of the Dearing Review (1997), the Lambert Report (2003) and the Government White Paper (2003), characterised by a shift towards an income stream which is more diverse and less reliant on government.The second section explores the underlying rationale for this shift, both in pragmatic and ideological terms.Pragmatism is explained in the context of the financial challenges and contradictions facing a massive expansion of the higher education sector in response to the pressures of global competition.The ideological shift, rationalised in the Triple Helix Model, is discussed in terms of new fundamental questions raised about the very purpose and value of higher education, particularly in meeting the needs of the economy and wider society.The third section focuses on the current debate about the impact of the financial crisis of 2008 on higher education investment in the U-K, drawing critical insight from an international and comparative perspective.The fourth section considers the implications and future strategic priorities for both Government and UK universities.This is followed by a conclusion.
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