discussion on acupuncture technique of Suwen heritage chapters recorded qigong treatment of the kidney diseases. This article, by consulting relevant literatures, analyze the qigong treatment of the k
The basis of regulating the mind is the unseen and untransformed confusion and pain of the human experience as described by Wei Boyang in the Triplex Unity.Transformation begins with correct posture a
"What is it that makes a medic a Superior Practitioner of Medical Qi Gong" ? At its most basic, "superiority" both demands and results in effectiveness.The pivotal question then is "what is it that ma
Alchemy is a kind of "harmony" principle, thinking Jing Qi Shen as great medicine, making Yuanqi in Dantian for Longevity, wisdom and difficult disease rehabilitation.Alchemy is the core content of tr
To help beginners of Qigong more comprehensively understanding and learn Qigong.We discuss the body outside qi treatment of disease mechanism that qigong masters stimulate the natural gas, and the pat