Swarm Infrastructure: Atomizing Architecture, Infrastructure and Micro-ecological Operations

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjh73
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  Architecture and infrastructure are traditionally based on principles of stasis, reliance on centralization, assumption of large-scale construction processes, consumption of massive amounts of resources,slow-moving processes of development and limited potential for change.While these two fields share these constraints they are typically seen as being merely related as opposed to enmeshed.Yet many other fields are now in a period of innovation based on integration, decentralization, networked intelligence, responsive systems, resource awareness and feedback loops among objects and fields in which they operate.It is important to explore what architecture and infrastructural practices can learn from these counter-conventional terms in order for them to become more dynamic,more integrated, more agile, more connected and more intelligent.This presentation explores ways in which architecture and infrastructure could combine to form populations of micro-infrastructural architectures and, through this combinatorial condition, smart structures that are dynamic, active, communicative and radically ecological.Speculative projects used to demonstrate these near-future concepts include ecological technology, robotics, resource-harvesting capacities, small occupiable spaces and relations to non-normative manufacturing processes that are opposed to tradition architectural construction processes.In addition, these demonstrative projects are seen as members of a collective super-organism-a swarm infrastructure.
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