After brief introduction of evaluation methods of HPLC columns, recent high-performance HPLC columns and their operations will be discussed.(i) Packing materials for high-speed separations: Columns (5-15 cm long) packed with totally porous particles of sub-2 mm dp (particle size), core-shell particles of 2.6-2.7 mm dp, or monolithic silica columns with sub-2 mm domains can provide large numbers of theoretical plates per unit time (N/t0) in a range 10000-33000 theoretical plates with the column dead time (t0) of 5-15 s at 50-100 MPa pressure limit.(ii) High-efficiency columns including monolithic silica columns or core-shell materials that can generate 100000-1000000 theoretical plates.Potential problems associated with the operation of columns packed with the high-performance materials will be described, including the effects of pressure and temperature, and the problem of extra-column effects.Evaluation methods for silanol activity of reversed-phase columns leading to the development of highly inert stationary phases for the separation of basic compounds will also be discussed.