In 1910, Japan’s annexation of the Korean Empire to the Qing government was a major geopolitical catastrophe. The Qing government has obtained relevant information through the three channels including the embassy stationed in Japan, the Consulate General in Seoul and the visit to Japan by the Minister of the Navy. However, the Qing government failed to fully understand and effectively deal with this information beforehand. From the outset, the Japanese government took special precautions and secrecy measures against the Qing government and did not formally report the day before the merger treaty was announced. At that time, the Qing government had already lost the ability and will to raise any objections and protests. Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “How all the countries should cope, and I handled everything”, as well as the instructions of Empress Dowager Longyu, “My Self-Care, Intervention”. lament. At that time, the Qing government ruling group more worried about Japan annexation of South Korea, especially in Northeast China caused by the direct impact and threat of aggression, the Governor of the Northeast and Governor Chen Zhaochang Governor Chen even made a series of countermeasures. The Qing government’s pace of accelerating the implementation of a constitutional monarchy after Japan annexed South Korea is undoubtedly related to Japan’s stimulus to annexing South Korea. China is in fact the most immediate and significant neighbor affected by Japan’s annexation of South Korea.