2016年12月出版/68.00元ISBN 978-7-5201-0105-9本书以党的十八大以来以习近平同志为核心的新一届党中央“四个全面”战略布局特别是国企深化改革精神为指导,主要从国有企业党的领导制度、国有企业资产监管制度、国有企业产权制度、国有公司治理制度和国有企业管理制度五大制度视角,对中国特色现代国有企业制度的理论形成、主要内涵和创新发展进行了全面系统深入的研究,提出了一系列具有较大启发意义和指导价值的新思路新观点,还首次提出并阐释了作为“中国模式”重要组成部分的中国“国企模式”
Published December 2016 / $ 68.00 ISBN 978-7-5201-0105-9 This book is devoted to the new strategic plan of the “four comprehensives” of the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core since the 18th CPC National Congress. Especially state-owned enterprises Deepen the reform as a guide, mainly from the perspective of the leadership system of state-owned enterprises, asset supervision system of state-owned enterprises, property rights of state-owned enterprises, state-owned corporate governance system and the management system of state-owned enterprises from the perspective of five systems with Chinese characteristics, modern state- Main connotation and innovation and development, a series of new ideas and new ideas with greater significance and guiding value are put forward. For the first time, new ideas and ideas that are important components of “China Model” are also proposed and explained. “State-owned enterprise model”