山根先生于2005年6月24日下午11时因病与世长辞,享年84岁。6月26日、6月27 日在先生深深信仰的基督教所在的日本基督教团城西教会堂里,在简朴而严肃的气氛中,由安田俊朗牧师主持举行了前夜式和告别式。先生的夫人及其家人、亲属、教会关系者、生前友好、中国史研究学者、学生等怀着极其悲痛的心情出席并依依不舍地送别了先生。先生一直从事中国史的研究,他的业绩非常广泛。在学业上,国内外学者得到先生的帮
Mr. Yamane aged 84 at the age of 11, died at 11 p.m. on June 24, 2005. On June 26 and June 27, in the simple and solemn atmosphere of the Christian Church Mission Town West Church where Christians are deeply believed by Mr. Shrine, the eve of Eve and farewell were presided over by Rev. Jun Yasuo. My husband and his family, relatives, church associates, former living friends, Chinese history scholars and students attended and resented her with great sadness. Mr. has been engaged in the study of Chinese history, his performance is very extensive. In academia, scholars at home and abroad get the help of Mr.