Opportunity and Social Capital:a Study of Bangladeshi Youth Facebook Users

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Bangladesh is a small South Asian country with a very large population and many opportunities.It is also the most densely populated country in the world.The former East Pakistan is now known as Bangladesh.The country is well-known as a moderate democratic Muslim country on the Asian map.Dhaka,at the center of the country,is the capital.Interestingly,all modern technologies and applications are available,with social media shaping a new wave in Bangladeshi’s lifestyle.Members of the younger generation(the youth of Bangladesh)are the primary users of social media.This study examines Facebook use habits among Bangladeshi youth and how they navigate Facebook to facilitate activities in their lives.In addition,the study investigates whether Facebook usage influences the search for new knowledge and skills that enhance the qualities of capacity building,such as social bonding,social networking,and acquiring new skills and opportunities.Bangladeshi youth are enthusiastic,grabbing new technologies that they come across,such as Facebook,Instagram,You Tube,and Twitter.Today’s youth are the future nation builders,with golden prosperous lives waiting for them.They are the real heroes in re-building the nation in accordance with the available resources and with optimism.The youth of Bangladesh have a long history of quickly grabbing new opportunities and promptly providing feedback.A great example is the history of Bangladesh’s independence in 1971.The young people at the time had no relevant skills and no training to fight against well-organized forces,but they acquired the relevant training within one month of being deployed on the battlefield.The result was that,after nine months of struggle,they won the war and established the new country of Bangladesh.The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC)and other international news agencies reported the massive youth contribution.Members of the younger generation are the dreamers who swiftly learn and acquire knowledge.This learning velocity is now even more rapid with technology,including social media,at the forefront.Facebook is an updated social medium admired by Bangladeshi youth owing to several advantages that it offers.The study’s sample comprised 312 Bangladeshi young people from the 15–24 age group with this age group accepted as a nation’s youth in any United Nations(UN)-mandated member country.Dhaka,the capital of Bangladesh,was considered and adopted as a study site as it is where most youth-oriented education institutions are situated.The duration for data collection through a survey questionnaire was from July 1,2018 to November 30,2019.The collected data were analyzed through IBM SPSS Statistics to reveal the authentic and actual results for further advancement of societal studies.The multiple linear regression(MLR)analysis drew specific attention to the relationships between independent and dependent variables.The study’s findings showed that educational status was subjective in Facebook use,while gender and marital status had no significant relationship with youth opportunities through Facebook use.Young people who used Facebook regularly and who were frequently active in the network were confident,knowledgeable,informative contributors to society,active players,and good network builders when hunting for new jobs,uplifting their skills,and participating in events.The study outcomes also highlighted the constructive bonding between social capital and opportunities through Facebook usage.Finally,Bangladeshi youth and teenagers were creating a new social map by using Facebook specifically by activating their accounts,sharing content,and building networks to add new value as strengthened youth figures among society.
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