Gharo Shah,Takkar Kali和Passand Kali(地名)对烟草种植者的经济估计

来源 :广西师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangheng1991
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The agro-based economy of Pakistan is entangled in a stagnant growth for preceding decade with a decrease contribution of agriculture in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 2.9 to 2.1 in year 2013-14 (GOP,2014). Agriculture contributes 21.4 percent to over all GDP, of Pakistan. However the labor force which is directly or indirectly linked to agriculture sector is 43.7 percent. Pakistan’s Agriculture sector focuses to ensure enough crop yield, provide accessibility of food stuff for the inhabitants and source of revenue for the nation. A link should be constructed through its forward and backward relation with other sectors to achieve a sustainable growth in agriculture to full fill the macroeconomic objectives of the nation. In Pakistan agriculture sector needs a revolution to contribute significantly to upgrade the income of the people, macroeconomic level and prosperity of the people. Due to concentrated action on high policy agenda of Pakistan agriculture sector and food security concerns at national level the production percentage of agriculture has been hopeful with growth rate of 2.1 percent during 2013-14. Increase in agricultural productivity directly strikes the poverty line and make availability of essential level of nutritious food to the farmers.Administration is in struggle to upgrade agriculture sector in order to boost the productivity and achieve sustainable economic growth (GOP,2014).
为辅助专业人员进行地下水资源开采潜力分析评价,采用“单位面积数量”指标,以地下水资源空间数据库为基础,利用GIS迭加分析方法,设计地下水资源开采潜力评价模型。基于MAPGIS 6.5