Since honorific and showing respect is a linguistic form which respects each other’s personality and standpoint, the importance of this would be elevated in the intercommunion of the modern society which exists in the diverse and complex relationships.The nodus of the honorific is how to use the limited form with flexibility in the limitless scenes. I think that in the initial stage of learning, the Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese are not possible to grasp the Japanese as natural and smooth as a native speaker. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a phased study. Honorific expression also must be systematized from the primary stage to advanced stage.In addition, learners should attach great importance to cultivate the ability to use, especially in listening and speaking, and work hard in practice, but also to grasp the opportunity to practice. In this regard, learners should focus on developing their own strength and ability to use. In addition, to increase the capacity of the intercommunion is also indispensable.At the same time, the use of honorifics has a variety of scenes. So, for Chinese-speaking learners, what is the study situation of the using of the honorific? I would like to know whether the learners in a variety of situations are flexible in the use of honorifics. To find out the Chinese-speaking learners’study situation and problems in the use of Japanese honorifics, it is necessary to conduct the questionnaire survey on honorifics using of different scenes.In short, through the Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese language learning situation of honorifics, especially in the research of scenes honorific usage, it should be clear that, when learning honorifics, shouldn’t the learners pay attention to the form of the honorifics, but make an intensive study of language performance of Japanese. This is also the main thrust of this paper.