A study on the exporting strategy of Thai Top Rice Trading Company in Thailand

来源 :中山大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwdfafsfsf
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Thai Top Rice Trading Co., Ltd, is well known in rice industry for centuries.Its name in the top ten of rice exporter companies can guarantee the quality ofproducts with best practice and good services to customers. Regarding to the existingmarket is quite competitive and no one knows exactly how long this company canendure in particular market. This study has done by conducting researches based onthe existing market in order to analyze the pros and cons ofexisting market and use ofthose to be the basis on entering the new market. Therefore, to accomplish the company objectives, it requires an effective andeffcient of innovative planning to enter the new market or adjust the currentcompanys strategic. To apply those theories and strategies, the company startsobserving the problems in the existing market and developed the strategies to enterthe new market based on theories that was done on this study. Those theories andstrategies are consisting of Porter Diamond, SWOT, Marketing Mix, CompetitiveAdvantage, and so on. The research also examines the effect on those performancesto know the trade-off on each market which consists ofUS market, EU market, andChina market.
摘要:地理课程标准要求学生学到有用的并对终身发展有价值的地理知识,注重以学生发展为本的教育理念。本文论述了在地理课程标准下如何培养具有良好学习能力的新人才。  关键词:创新人才 创新意识 创新能力    21世纪将是日新月异,百舸争流的时代,在这个时代的潮流中,谁能坚持创新, 勇于创新,谁就能迎接未来知识经济的挑战。中共中央国务院《关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》中强调“实施素质教育,就是
人,不可能是永无岛上的彼得·潘,可以永远活在臆想的年龄和世界里。这是一种不可违抗的自然法则,更不可违抗的,是社会法则。  这段时问,“李XX”这个曾经风光无限的少年,一直都在舆论的风口浪尖上,前后的原因,都与他那不凡的父母有关。  随着岁月的叠加,有些人在坎坷辗转地成长,有些人在华丽浮躁地年长。不同的父母,不同的背景,让很多人的命运也不相同,也让很多人误解了这个世界。  所谓成长,和年龄无关,和性