Mother Education and Child Health Outcomes:Evidence from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2012

来源 :山东大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marina12345
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Rural infants are more likely to face acute malnutrition than urban infants as their mothers are with zero education relative to mothers with secondary/higher education.Only rural mothers with formal primary education are more susceptible to have underweighted infants.Rural mothers with moderate and rich economic position have relatively less chances of underweight infants.However,the impact of urban middle and rich class households on underweighted infants is insignificant.Only rural infants are more likelihood to be underweighted if their mothers are not empowered.There are higher chances of underweight problem as rural mothers lack health knowledge.An inconsistent relationship between mother behavior for health seeking and underweight in both locations is estimated.Only moderate environment condition has a considerable effect on both rural-urban infantssurvival in short period in such a way that rural infants with moderate environment condition are relatively more susceptible to acute malnutrition than urban infants.Only urban infants with father working are less underweighted relative to those with both father-mothers working.
  Interestingly,key empirical findings state that male infants have more likelihood of stunting than female ones as their mothers are illiterate and primary passed.It is also concluded that female infants belonged to middle and rich class households have relatively less likelihood of being stunted than male infants.Female infantsmothers without following and utilizing advanced medical care services are relatively more responsive to stunting for them than male infantsmothers.Female children whose parents are not working significantly call for more stunting than male children.However,only female kids without mother empowerment are more susceptible to chronic malnutrition.Only male childrens mother with underweight and overweight BMI has significantly greater chances to have stunted kids.Nutritional level of mothers has no signified impact on their female infantshealth.Only male kids with moderate environment are less victim of stunting.Surprisingly,female infantsmothers without health knowledge have less chances of stunting for their kids.Health knowledge of male kidsmothers has no significant relationship with child health.Mother reproductive behavior has inconsistent pattern of association with both male-fame infants stunting.
  This research also built binary logistical regression to analyze parents education malnutrition of children under5relationships using the earlier discussed data.Among empirical outcomes,parents education,household economic rank and environmental settings have significant influences on underweight and stunted infants.The interesting point is that the likelihood of stunting growth is relatively less reduced than that of underweight growth when one parent with secondary and second with primary level of education,but underweight hazard is decreased little less as only one parent is with primary level of education comparing with stunting risk.Highly educated parents have similar likelihood of acute and chronic malnutrition for their kids.Rich households are more effective to cause stunted kids than underweight ones.Furthermore,moderate environment setting significantly generates a higher risk of underweight relative to stunting hazard for the kids.These findings disclose that the parentseducation has a significant nurturing impact on child health.It is also concluded that this nurturing impact of parentseducation may also be attributed to higher income level,and better environmental setting.
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