The MOOD System of Polish from the Perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics

来源 :上海交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superlhl2010
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The Polish language has been widely described and researched from different perspectives by numerous scholars.However,the number of publications approaching Polish exclusively in terms of systemic functional linguistics is limited.Thus,the purpose of the given research is to apply systemic functional measures in the analysis of the system of MOOD in the Polish language.The word ‘MOOD’ is spelled in capital letters so as to make a clear distinction between systemic functional grammar(MOOD)and traditional grammar(mood,modality).The study specifically sets out to analyse the structures of MOOD system in independent clauses in Polish.The outcome of the analysis shows certain patterns in the Polish system of MOOD which are absent in that of English.The most prominent ones are frequent instances of Subject being blended with Finite,and Finite element being ellipsed.Both these tendencies are connected with the complex system of affixation in Polish,and its highly organized and compound declination and conjugation of different parts of speech.
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