There are two almost opposite meanings of the Chinese verb “skepticism ”: (1) “do not believe ” (suspicion (1)), (2) “a little believe ” or “guess ” 2)). This ambiguity is not completely complementary in the syntactic distribution, so sometimes it is impossible to dispel lexical ambiguity by means of formal clues. Based on Yuan Yulin (2014) ’s syntactic (XP is NP and VP), semantics (XP is referential vs. declarative) and pragmatic (XP is positive vs. negative ) Characteristics of the investigation, the English, Japanese and Korean with the Chinese “Doubt ” corresponding verbs and related format syntax, semantics and pragmatic restrictions described and analyzed the similarities and differences. English is characterized by different vocabularies “doubt ” and “suspect ” to denote “suspicion (1)” and “suspicion (2)”, respectively; vs. Negative), on the other hand distinguishes between “utagau” and “” by the direct object mark “を” and the reference mark “と”, the tone form of XP (positive vs. negative) The almost opposite meaning of “ayashimu” is that the difference between the two senses of Korean “” (suspicion) “is expressed by the change of the lattice auxiliary word” el-ko “ , Sometimes use the object XP evaluation color. In the four languages of the subjectival structure ”doubtful verbs + XP “, the meaning difference of the ”suspect “ class verbs is closely related to the evaluation color of XP. Therefore, the semantic structure of ”doubtful “ verbs in Chinese, English and Japanese are almost the same as the semantic structure behind them, all based on the abnormal thoughts of ”suspicion of good and evil“; and the semantic-conceptual structure restricts these Syntactic Combination and Semantic Interpretation of ”Suspicion" Verbs in Language.