【摘 要】
In the last years,and for several years,Argentina has managed to position itself as one of the main countries producing(7,310 million metric tons soybean oil in 2017/18)and exporting(4,133 million met
In the last years,and for several years,Argentina has managed to position itself as one of the main countries producing(7,310 million metric tons soybean oil in 2017/18)and exporting(4,133 million metric tons soybean oil in 2017/18)soybeans and their byproducts(crude soybean oil,bio-fuel,etc.)in the world,always ranking in the first World-wide positions with the United States and China.On the other hand,China,with its population number growing year after year as well as its vibrant and dynamic economy,has become the most important consumer(16,550 million metric tons of soybean oil 2017/2018)and importer(546 million metric tons of crude soybean oil in2017/18)country of soybean products and byproducts.The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of the Sino-Argentine commercial relationship in recent years,focusing on the competitiveness of Argentine crude soybean oil in the Chinese market,this thesis has been divided into five chapters analyzing bilateral trade between Argentina and China,conducting an analysis and diagnosis of competitiveness of soybean oil of Argentine origin in the Chinese country market,and presenting opportunities and challenges facing the relationship of these two countries.This research finds that economic and trade development between Argentina and China is indispensable as both undisputed agricultural partners and that there will be new possibilities for further developing the bilateral relationship in the future.In order to continue this win-win relationship,both countries will have to study in detail new ways and mechanisms to innovate in economic and production matters.
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