On Metacognitive Strategy Use in EFL Reading Comprehension Test Performance

来源 :浙江大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaoxiao880523
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Reading has been acknowledged as the most effective way to learn English as a foreign language (EFL), and of supreme importance to EFL learners. Reading comprehension ability becomes one keen aspect to value language ability. As one component of the model of language ability, along with language knowledge,metacognitive strategies emerge actively in language tests and non-test language use.This thesis focuses on the role of metacognitive strategies in EFL reading comprehension test performance, briefly viewing it from a reading comprehension test (RCT) and a metacognitive strategy questionnaire (MSQ), which are conducted by an experimental study synchronously. In order to survey the awareness and familiarity of EFL tertiary learner on utilizing metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension,thus a real-name questionnaire is carried out following the test. By clustering testees into four levels according to their answers to the questionnaire about how they utilize metacognitive strategies, the tester analyzes testees scores of the RCT and tries to find whether there exists interactive relationship between metacognitive strategy use and test performance. After comparing testees three-band of language proficiency labeled by their scores of Graduate Admission Test of English with their metacognitive strategy level, the tester finds that metacognitive strategy does not closely correlate with language proficiency.
乔治.艾略特,原名玛丽?安?伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans),出生在华威郡一个中产阶级商人家庭。在19世纪英国文坛中,乔治艾略特是最有影响力的小说家之一,也是世界文学史上最伟大的
自从1984年《小世界》出版以来,这部小说和它的作者大卫·洛奇一直受到了相当的关注和好评。大部分西方批评家和小说家都把这部小说看作是描写西方学术界的喜剧。 中国的学者
本文开篇介绍了社会语言学的定义,根源,范围,研究社会语言学的意义及找出变异与社会因素之间关系的诸多理论及社会现实意义。 然后,为了阐明变异分析的相关理论,作者分析了三个