Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Radiation Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna for MIMO system

来源 :山东科技大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Guihuaxuetu
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With the fast adoption of LTE and IEEE802.11N,in order to increase themaximum data rate of asystem andto make the communication link more reliable most of thedevices areemploying multiple antennas.Traditionally,fixed antennas are used in such devices.Nowadays,reconfigurable antenna are designed for the purpose offurther increase the performance,which maintain or exceeds the performance of fixed antenna,and by changing their radiation characteristics can adopt to changing wireless channel.This thesisis about studythe possibility of increasein performance by the use ofpattern reconfigurable antennas as receivers.Firstly the performance potentialwas estimated usingsimulations,and thenrepresentedusing two ESPAR versespair of monopole antennas on BER(bit error rate)testbed.This thesismainlyfocused on study aboutpotential performance gains with pattern reconfigurable antennas in themulti-antenna system,and representedin real-world measurements,favorableperformance increases overequivalent systemwith an Omni-directional antenna.For an effective demonstration,two ESPAR antennas were designed,fabricated and evaluated on a hardware BER testbed,and both the captured BER curves as well as the computed channel capacity indicated the superiority of the ESPAR antennas over a pair of monopoles in a multipath-richindoor environment.
  Reconfigurable antennas have been a common area of research for MIMO related applications,and pattern reconfigurable antennas have received considerable attention.Even thoughchannel measurements had shown capacityimprovements with novel pattern reconfigurable antennas in many cases whilelittle work has been done in this field to studythe performance impactin MIMOand the relationship between power and diversitygain,andtheir effects to increasethe data throughput.This thesis investigated these issues and presented a novalanalysis through both simulated and experimentallymeasured results.
GaAs光电导开关是超快激光器与光电半导体相结合形成的一类新型器件,在超高速电子学、脉冲功率技术、THz技术等领域具有广阔的应用前景。特别是当需要兼顾输出电脉冲的超快上升沿、超短脉宽、高重复频率、高功率、抗电磁干扰等方面时,光电导开关是众多功率开关中的最优选择。针对影响GaAs光电导开关时间抖动特性因素及用GaAs光电导开关产生快前沿正负对称输出,本文具体完成以下工作:  (1)根据光电导开关的工
航天器再入大气层时,与大气摩擦温度急剧升高,产生等离子体。由于微波作为航天器的通讯载波,不能穿过等离子体,出现“黑障”。提高载波频率,利用宽带太赫兹波作为载波是解决“黑障”的有效途径之一,但目前缺乏较系统的理论与实验相结合的宽带太赫兹波在等离子体中传输的研究。本文针对上述问题开展了以下研究工作:  从辐射机理角度,研究了GaAs光电导天线辐射太赫兹波的频谱特性。将激光泵浦光GaAs电导天线产生的电