
来源 :广东外语外贸大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flfi2003
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This study is an attemptive one on the responder’s provision of additional information i.e. responder’s overinformativeness (RO), in the institutional discourse—TV interview, seeking to explain the adaptability of this phenomenon. Concerning this issue questions being explored include what manipulations and functions of overinformativeness are manifested and how overinformativeness adapts to contextual factors such as politeness (including power), identity construction in the course of interview. This study is mainly based on qualitative analysis of the data, which is in fact the pragmatic interpretation of the answer to the questions. Based upon Verschueren’s theory of linguistic adaptation, the author endeavors to construct a theoretical framework as to the functioning mechanism of responder’s overinformativeness and to analyze how the adaptation regarding politeness and power takes place in overinformativeness. The responder’s overinformativeness is variable along a few dimensions, interactional component (direct self-oriented or indirect other-oriented), contextual component (retrospective or present or prospective) and the propositional component (mono-propositional or multi-propositional). As regards the functions of responder’s overinformativeness, micro-level functions and macro-level functions are discussed. For the micro-level functions, the analyses are launched from two aspects, how RO contributes to the discursive identity construction and how RO helps construct an ideal identity and a retrospective identity. The former is the focus of our analysis where we illustrate it from three angles: enhancing positive self-image, enhancing negative other-image and strengthening the forcefulness of the talk. With regard to the macro-functions, RO can maintain the ongoing talk such as avoiding the confrontation of interactants and mitigating the embarrassment and face-threat;RO can prompt the ongoing discourse by conveying good self-image and introducing a new topic-center shift. The adaptation in the overinformativeness to the contextual factors including politeness and identity construction is another main part of this paper. For the sake of clarity, the adaptation of RO to the three worlds is summarized into two categories: self-oriented and other-oriented. The former concerns the adaptation to social variables related to the responder’s motivations (identity construction), emotions and social politeness (including power). The latter involves the adaptation to other presences in the speech situations related to the topic of talk and the questioner’s expectation.
翻译是人类社会中一种复杂的交际行为。在这个交际活动中, 译者起着举足轻重的作用。正是由于译者辛勤的工作,外国文学的精粹才被引入国内,并且展现在读者面前。但是在翻译历
动词同宾结构是现代汉语中一类比较特殊的句式。这种句式的句子两个动词共享一个客事宾语,并且第二个动词指称的事件具有目的意义。比如: a.张三买了一本书看。 b.张三
<正> 布鲁氏菌是细胞内寄生菌,布鲁氏菌病(以下简称布病)是抗感染免疫性疾病。近年来,国内外都曾有关于布病患者机体免疫状态的报导,证实慢性布病患者的细胞免疫功能低于正常