The existence of variants in modern Chinese language is anobjective and complicated phenomenon in language. It appeared togetherwith written form of modem Chinese,but the linguists’ research on themin China was stated after the foundation of New China,especially since1980s, researchers have issued many theses on variants.It is very hard toanalyse them due to the complication of their forms.This article mainlygives an synchronic analysis of multisyllabic variants in Chinese by usingthe knowledge of lexicology, graphetics, semantics, phonetics, pragmatis,general linguistics and so on,from the angle of lexicology.Firstly,throughthe analysis of name and fact of variants and linguistic practice,we thinkthat the definition of variant can’t explain the real fact of pragmatics inChinese and solve the problems appearing in the research. Here,by usingthe theory of phoneme variants in phonetics,I put forward a proposal thatby using varied written forms of Chinese word to explains thecomplicated linguistic phenomenon,it offers a new view point from theangle of pragmatics and probe into the types,cause of formation,and normof "varied written forms of Chinese word" in order to give people sometheoretical guidances directions and make them use language more freely.