【访谈者按语】2012年10月的第一周,阿米塔夫·高希(Amitav Ghosh)抵达阿姆斯特丹,参加由欧洲文化基金会(European Cultural Foundation)举办的学术会议“歧路与聚合:欧洲与地球的未来”(Confluence and Crossroads:Europe and the Fate of the Earth)并做了主题发言。高希毕业于牛津大学社会人类学专业,凭借探索历史联系与跨地域特征的虚构性作品
Interviewer’s Remarks In the first week of October 2012, Amitav Ghosh arrived in Amsterdam to attend an academic conference organized by the European Cultural Foundation. “Crossroads and Aggregation: Europe And the future of the earth ”(Confluence and Crossroads: Europe and the Fate of the Earth) and gave a keynote address. Goss graduated from Oxford University social anthropology professional, by virtue of exploring historical ties and cross-regional characteristics of fictional works