一、哪些人可以配备枪支?使用枪支有什么要求? (一)公务用枪配备范围。根据《枪支管理法》和《公务用枪配备办法》规定,下列人员可依法配备公务用枪: 1.公安机关、国家安全机关、监狱、劳动教养机关的人民警察,人民法院的司法警察,人民检察院的司法警察和担负案件侦查任务的检察人员,海关的缉私人员,在依法履行职责时确有必要使用枪支的,可以配备公务用枪。
First, who can be equipped with firearms? What are the requirements for the use of firearms? According to the Regulations on the Administration of Firearms and the Measures for the Provision of Official Service Guns, the following personnel may be provided with official guns according to law: 1. People's police of public security organs, state security agencies, prisons, correctional institutions, judicial police and people's courts of people's courts Procuratorates of the judicial police and prosecutors responsible for the investigation of the case, the Customs anti-smuggling personnel, in the performance of duties according to law, the necessary use of firearms, can be equipped with official firearms.