说起盗版软件,人们的第一反应一定会联想到微软。“村”里有多少10元一张的Windows 98还真是数不清。不错,微软确实苦大仇深,但是在中国饱受盗版之苦,损失最惨痛的莫过于设计出版界熟悉的Adobe公司了。一套几千元的PhotoshopPageMaker在街头小贩的叫卖声中就变成了10元。 业界人士谈起盗版多是谈虎色变,其实说“盗版猛于虎”还是高估了它的实力因为它毕竟不敢明目张胆地贩卖。把盗版形容为“狼”比较合适;四处游荡,无孔
Speaking of pirated software, people’s first reaction will certainly be associated with Microsoft. How many 10 yuan a piece of Windows 98 in the “village” is really countless. Yes, Microsoft is indeed bittersweet, but in China suffer from piracy, the most painful loss is the design and publishing industry familiar with the Adobe company. A few thousand dollars of Photoshop PageMaker became ten yuan in the sales of street vendors. People in the industry talked about piracy and talked about it. In fact, it was said that “piracy is more fierce than tigers” or that it overestimated its strength because it did not dare to flagrantly sell. It is appropriate to describe piracy as “wolf”; wandering around without holes