移居世界各地的华人经过世代繁衍生息 ,逐步融合于当地社会。但各国、各地华人的融合程度、对本民族语言文化的保留程度、对本民族的认同程度等是大不相同的 ,马来西亚华人形成了较成熟的华族。本文认为 :一个民族的语文是这个民族世代创造的结晶 ,它反映着该民族的民族精神、民族文化。一个民族要想存在下去 ,只有从整体上保持本民族文化的独特性。而对于民族文化的保持而言 ,民族母语教育十分关键。
Chinese immigrants from all over the world flourish through generations and gradually integrate with the local community. However, the degree of integration of Chinese in different countries and places across the country, the level of reservation for their own language and culture, and the degree of their approval of their own nation are very different. Malaysian Chinese have formed more mature Chinese nationalities. This article argues that the language of a nation is the crystallization created by this nation for generations, which reflects the national spirit and national culture of the nation. If a nation wants to exist, it should only maintain the uniqueness of its own national culture as a whole. As for the preservation of national culture, the mother tongue education is very crucial.