在这条车钩,缓冲装置分解流水线上,能完成钩缓装置的解体,3号、4号缓冲器的分解和尾框、钩头、钩舌的除锈、检查等工序。一、流水线的主要技术规格 1.液压机(36吨) 2台 2.柱塞泵(流量25升/分、压力320公斤/厘米~2) 2台 3.总工位数 9个 4.节拍时间 3分 5.传送带输送速度 8.4米/分 6.电动机 5台 7.电动机总功率 46千瓦 8.生产率 8台/小时 9.占地面积 75米~2 二、流水线的布置与工艺流程 1.流水线的布置如图所示。
In this coupler, the buffer device assembly line, to complete the disintegration of the hook delay device, No. 3, No. 4, the decomposition of the buffer and tail box, hook head, knuckle rust, inspection and other processes. First, the main technical specifications of the pipeline 1. Hydraulic machine (36 tons) 2 sets 2. Piston pump (flow 25 liters / min, pressure 320 kg / cm ~ 2) 2 sets 3. The total number of stations 9 4. Beat time 3 points 5. Conveyor speed 8.4 m / min 6. Motor 5 units 7. Motor total power 46 kilowatts 8. Productivity of 8 units / hour 9. Covers an area of 75 meters ~ 2 Second, the assembly line and process flow 1. Pipeline The layout is as shown.